This application is based on the 2nd edition of The PIH Guide to the Medical Management of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis, published in 2014. It includes the most important reference tables and tools from the PIH Guide, and puts them at your fingertips.
• Comprehensive information about the anti-TB drugs most commonly used in MDR-TB treatment, including second-line anti-TB drugs.
• Easy-to-use dosing calculator for anti-TB drugs in adolescents and adults.
• Updated dosing tables for anti-TB drugs in children.
• Management of common adverse effects during MDR-TB treatment.
The 2nd edition of the PIH Guide includes updated information on diagnostics and treatment, and has expanded sections on adverse effects and pediatric care. It also includes new sections such as community-based care, compassionate use, and expanded access for new anti-TB drugs. The editing and production of the guide was funded by USAID through the TB CARE II project. The full guide is available from Partners In Health (PIH) at .